All I know is I listen to music and try hard to play because in part you can lose yourself in the moment and escape what seems like permanent conflict in every other aspect of life, regardless of the rights and wrongs of the open letter I'd really prefer to keep it that way. Open letters on whatever subject seem intended to goad people into either jumping on "the cause" or reacting to it negatively, too often the ensuing conflict seems to be the primary purpose, the cause itself is almost secondary. All I know is I want to listen to good music and like most people I just couldn't care less about the colour of whoever wrote it or played it, better still I want to sound like them as well, and isn't imitation the highest form of praise. Also keep in mind that the vast majority of the music on GT wouldn't exist were it not for the black jazz and bluesmen initially in the southern states of the US from the 1920's onwards. Rock and Roll (and it's many genres) from the 1950s to the present day owes everything to those early artists and all of the great guitar players of the past forty years have paid homage to that fact in their playing. So with respect working through the GT song book and counting colours looks kind of trivial really, its almost certainly a black man or women who inspired the artist at some stage during the creative process.