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Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,055
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,055
04/08/2021 3:20 pm

Hello Bryan - thanks for the lesson suggestion! If I have time this Friday on my YouTube Live Lesson, I will talk a bit about this. I'll also film a video for YouTube on this subject in the next few weeks, but it usually takes a month or so (post editing) to make it up there.

Generally speaking - slow it down, work with a metronome at a slow bpm, make sure you are strumming the correct strum pattern, and burn in plenty of repetition at this slow speed. This is the most effective method to program the muscle memory of the right hand. Only increase speed gradually. If you hit a speed where your hand is not keeping up, you need to go back down to a slower speed and drill more repetition.

Also -- a great way to work on this is to stay on one chord while you drill the strum pattern. That way, you can focus your full attention to the right hand.

Another thing to think about - stay as relaxed as you can with your strumming arm/hand. Any tension will negatively affect your ability to keep smooth timing.

Hope this helps, and thanks again for the suggestion!

I'll update this post when this material hits YouTube!


Originally Posted by: bryanwilson01

Hi Mike, I am enjoying the the youtube lessons and finding things helpful in my guitar journey. I am looking for more in depth help on improving my right hand. I am struggling with playing faster songs such as 'Bad Moon Rising' or 'Ramblin Man'. Though the BPM for BMR is 82 but actually played at double time equaling 164. My chord changes are fine but my right hand doesn't keep up.... Can you do a lesson on improving right hand techniques and explaining how to use a metronome in depth with skills improvements? Seems to me the best guitar strummers have smooth and effective right hand skills. Thank you Sir!

Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach