Guitars and guitar necks are all diffrent. You should try them on to see how they fit your hand and your body. If as you say you have small hands that could be a real issue if you buy a guitar with a thick neck. Of course you also have to evauate how it sounds as well. Is it quite or loud. Have a lot of bass or trebble in the tone. There is also the matter of looks to consider. You want a guitar that make you happy to play on. There is a lot of varriation and thus the need to try them on. So all of this is important. Electric is the easiest guitar to play, but those have even more profiles to consider.
Do you know any good guitarist? If you can get somebody who is experienced to go with you to the store, that could be a good idea.
But I am sure others will chime in with good ideas as well. So just hang on, you have come to the right place.
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