Does anyone have any advice on keeping the pick from moving around in your fingers? No matter how hard I squeeze my fingers the pick moves. The only thing that I found that works is putting 2 way tape on the pick to help it stay in place. Any help would be appreciated.
Pick help
Try diffrent size and diffrent thickness picks and see what works best... there are a lot of them.
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A video I watched from justinguitar said that the pick will move and that's that. What will happen is you'll get used to auto-adjusting the position of the pick. It shouldn't move alot all the time, but it will move sometimes. I'm a newbie so I don't know if this is true or not, but that's what I saw on his video.
Dunlop picks have a thicker enscription on them making it easier to hold them then a smooth pick.
Thank all,
I have tried all different types of picks. The best one I have found so far is Bog Street. They have some texture and the hole in the middle gives me a little better grip but even they move but maybe they "just move".
I have been playing for several years and the pick turning in my fingers to the flat side of the pick has always been an issue for me as well. I have tried from thin to thick, textured, smooth, you name it. Pretty much always having the same issue, especially when I am strumming aggressively. One thing I have done that works to a degree is taking a small nail and punching some holes in the pick. It may sound a little strange but this has worked for me in the past. Hope this helps
I was running into the same problem. I came up with the idea of cutting some electrical tape into thin strips and building up the flat end of the pick to about a 1/4 inch or so. Gives a "handle" for my fingers to hold onto. I can " grip it and rip it " and it stays rock solid in my grip. Try it !
This is from a Facebook post by Kfir Ochain.
never used one but it's definitely a new way of holding a pick. [br]Thanks so much ? I got a lot of question about the pick that I'm using in this video - It's called Pykmax, it's basically an extension of your pick that allows to grip it with your hand and not just fingers.