The debate

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01/10/2003 9:47 pm
Me n my pal had a massive debate over starting a band. I think its gotten to the point where it no longer matters how good i (guitarist) get, because a band needs more than one strong member. So in my town in scotland (population of 60,000) theres vitually no one interested in my taste in music, people who like and play 70s 80s, early 90s classic/arena rock music. When i say my taste i dont mean it like "they must like what i like", Im speaking incredibly generally, I'll happily play any form of rock music, I also listen to people like elton john.
The bottom line is, that the people I have met on the band scene have no interest in classic rock, and that no one else shares my enthusasm for starting a band. I learn the songs and they dont. Its incredably frustrating to think I have learned so much so quickly on guitar to find that with little time and effort I would be up to scratch.
Culturally, scotland has no involving with rock music, bands in pubs are a rarity, and even then they only play pop music or 80s electro pop. WHATS GOIN ON!!!
The buzz i get from playing guitar lies in the music, not the status. Playing the classical solos after hard rock riffs in metallica or playing the intro to sweet child, or the outro to free bird is where i get the enjoyment. Id happily remain a bedroom guitarist if my only option is to play things outwith my favoured genre.
So is this what happens? Have any of you guys ever joined bands and played things you hated? should i join a punk band and try to sway them? I record my own stuff too but i doubt it would appeal to most people, Im proud to say its reminicent of 80s metallica and guns n roses!
# 1

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01/11/2003 4:31 am

Been there man..

I played in a Death metal band once, don't get me wrong I like some of the death metal music but I don't feel challenged by it and got really tired of doing simple riffs over and over again.

That's when I deceided to concentrate on my own style. I started recording lot's of stuff and ended up discovering my style.

I play metal too, still do, but a lot less. I now concentrate on different styles of music. Trying new things. I got nobody telling me I shouldn't play a fingerpicking song because we're a metal band. I do what I want, when I want.

I now take online lessons with The Jonezter to work on my weak spots. I do things for me, to reach the goals I set myself. Always remember that the most important person to satisfy in a band is you. If a band helps you reach your goal then great if not, I would leave it. Don't waste time on something that won't help or on something you don't like.

Like me you probably play music because it makes you feel good. Then why would you stay somewhere that you can't play the music that you like? Go with what you feel.

Playing by yourself is great for your creativity and freedom, but tends to be lonely at times. I'm a loner in life so for me it doesn't really bother me to be playing alone in a room. Although I really enjoy playing for someone at times. Like anything else there's a good side and a bad. You have to deceide which road you need to take to continue your musical quest. You're at a crossroad man, listen to your heart and choose your path. Only you know the anwser and only you will be able to write a song about it :)
# 2
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01/11/2003 11:54 am
I played in a Death Metal band too & I just hated it... I left them a short while after... I was never realy into Death, I prefere most other styles of good Rock, Speed & Thrash.

Freedom is the most valuable thing in life, I feel more happy to play music that I like at my room than playing some crap that I don't like with a band ... no matter how good they are.

Just my humble opinion.
# 3
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01/11/2003 3:59 pm
i'm in a tough place too. i started a small punk band with a good friend and so far we're still just messing around and no shows to date. but it's good fun anyway, no bad feelings at all. it's a blast. but the thing is, i want the band to play a few metal covers so that i can show off my soloing(personal thing)and get into another genre in the band setting. i want to hear stuff like Crazy Train coming out of the bedrooms we play in. or Metallica songs or something. but so far we just play punk in the band.
i love punk you know. the energy, the rhythm, the volume, and the craziness of pure adolescent adrenaline. but i'm a metal bedroom player. i can't get my band to play metal. my co-guitarist is interested in playing Paranoid but no-one else is. i'll see what i can futz with to make this work.
any suggestions?
if you don't have any suggestions or don't care, thanks for listening.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 4
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01/12/2003 5:24 pm
"canuck7" , try to play in a band where you share very similar musical tastes with the other guys.

In one of my previous bands, I wanted to play some songs that were hard for the drummer, other songs hard for the bassist, other songs that's not of their musical taste... So usualy when I get into such a situation (I've been already there quite a lot, lol) , I loose interest in the band & just quit.

There's nothing better beeing in a band with similar musical taste & technical level... and hopefully nice people to enjoy working with them.
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01/13/2003 3:48 am
well, the thing is that i live in Saudi Arabia. my dad works for ARAMCO and i live on the ARAMCO compound of only a few thousand (even less are western). i don't really get a huge choice, but my bandmates are my friends so it's easier. but i'll see, there are some other guys more interested in playing metal. i'll figure it out i guess. i'm heading to Canada for boarding school next year anyway, like most of the westerners here. we head there after ninth grade. but it's all good.
thanks for the advice.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 6
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01/14/2003 1:40 pm
It just enrages me to hear the average guitar player slag aerosmith or even metallica. Im not asking for much, hoping other player are remotley interested in just one rock band. My motivation in getting good and learning a lot of rock techniques and songs was to be in a band, now ive realised theres noone else in my town with that same goal!
Historically its taken singular men, or bands, to rejuvinate or reinvent rock n roll, I feel its people like me(but not me cos am not that strong) that do it, people who feel like outsiders musically but have the strong mindedness to prove themselves.
When i put on sweet child o mine on on the jukebox in my local pub, you can see people enjoy it. But so far as getting them to listen to a cover band doing that stuff or to buy the CD is another thing.
The UK music scene sucks!!
# 7
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01/14/2003 2:15 pm
hey PonyOne,
where i come from here in Saudi Arabia is nothing like you'd probably think. i live on an american compound, and it's like Canada/states to some extent. but i don't go around playing middle-eastern scales and stuff. i'm not saying i dislike the scales, but my musicality would be no different if i lived in Canada. i am in fact, canadian and my screen-name reflects that. i moved to Bahrain (look on a map) when i was 8 and Saudi when i was 10. so i'm very 'americanized' as they say.
anyway, not trying to be critical or anything, but just trying to be informative.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 8
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01/15/2003 6:56 am
I guess if you wanna make a Rock-Coverband it would be a good idea to make the best out of it - money! And thats how you should get some musicians. Ask a few dudes, tell them you can guarantee a certain number of gigs per year and voila - you´ll be surprised how many interrested folks you will find. You make it for the fun of it - the others for the money - now its up to you weather you have a problem with that or not.

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# 9
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01/15/2003 7:49 am
Originally posted by Axl_Rose one else shares my enthusasm for starting a band

You are not alone.
I met some guys some time towards the end of last year,and I thought to myself,a bit too quickly,in retrospect now I realise,that we'd probably make a good team playing together.But I was wrong.The first one can't play in a rock band,or a band with a rock leaning(all bands,no matter how stylistically varied,having some specific leaning,right?).He's too into jazz,while I'm just starting to get to "feel" it,musically.He listens to rock and all(virually everything except country-which I love,btw),but still it's quite obvious to both of us that we aint gonna form a band.Together,ie.But we still remain very tight buddies,we share a lot of other stuff pertaining to life and all that.We'd probably date if he was a girl or if we were gay.
The other guy feels that not playing in church is a waste of your talent,that not using your skills to worship God beats the purpose of having been granted the skill in the first place.Well,I have no beef with worshipping God and all that.But hey,matters of religion are beliefs,and you cant preach water and drink wine,or preach water and not drink anything.Which is what I'd be doing if I was to try to become a rock Don Moen.So there.Nevertheless,we're still friends with the guy.I respect people's opinions.
Sometimes I feel like finding the right people to start a band with is a bit like love/sexual relationships,the chemistry and all.
Aiwass,when your band mate from S.A is going home heartbroken(coz his band broke)tell him about some lad you know from Kenya(that would be me)that wouldn't mind being in aband with him.Kenya is alot closer to S.A than Switzerland,you know.
# 10
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01/16/2003 7:07 am
I hear that Dave Mathews is from S.A?
# 11
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01/16/2003 5:08 pm
well i was in a band with my mates and got thrown out for not turning up to the first jam! so, after awile i managed to beg my way back in (about four months ago) and yet we still haven't had a full jam! weve had jams where i haven't had the guitarist (me), the bassist, and the drummer! the reason why its exclamated is the jam was at his house! now you'd think we'ed have a jam this weekend but nope the drummer and bassist are both going out skateboarding!so ive had enough and if anyone wants to be in a band then theres an opening for one in marple england! only joking!
A question to all...

If one synchronized swimmer drowns,
do the rest have to drown too?
:confused: :confused: :confused:
# 12
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01/17/2003 10:46 am
I guess now would be the time to ask if anyone knows of anyone who would be interested in joining a band in the western suburbs of melbourne.
need to be interested in stuff like dexys midnight runner's, madness, vial8, cheese excursion, paul simon, living end, bit of chuck berry etc.
drummer really needed. so far we have myself (guitar), a bass, a singer, and another guitar. have been together for round 2 years, only have bout 8 good songs.:(
but I am not really into the metal influences those guys have, so if anyone wants to start anew.
the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
# 13
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01/17/2003 3:19 pm
good stuff PonyOne
btw, have you ever been to the Middle East?
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
# 14
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01/17/2003 7:43 pm
Originally posted by robbo97
need to be interested in stuff like dexys midnight runner's, madness, vial8, cheese excursion, paul simon, living end, bit of chuck berry etc.

wel im from where madness are orginated and have saw them play live!
A question to all...

If one synchronized swimmer drowns,
do the rest have to drown too?
:confused: :confused: :confused:
# 15

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