I have a acoustic Takamine EG series guitar ( build in Korea, cheap about 400 bucks ),
Never played it to much because of a to metallic sound so I decided to change the nut and the saddle for bone pieces instead of the cheap plastic, the nut took a lot of sanding and shaping but came out real good with the action on the first fret really low where I wanted it but the saddle was a different story, the Takamime G or EG series have a special saddle with the piezo PU incorporated so I had no choice as to remove it completely and only put the bone saddle in and for the time being no more PU.
And there it is, a miracle happend, the guitar now sounds like a guitar of more then a 1000 bucks. At first if you played a chordstrum you couldn't hear all the different strings, now I can and I hear a beautifull tone of the would resonance aswell which I never heard before.
I love this guitar now and it didn't even cost much, about 10 bucks.
Next mod will be placing an aftermarket piezo PU under the saddle and check that out.
If the mettalic sound would come back then that PU will be out in no time and probably will be looking for transducers on the inside and try to get that fitted with the existing preamp.
Anybody else here any experience with the same mods? love to hear from you.