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01/08/2021 8:54 pm

Hi Folks, newbie here. Received the chordbuddy as gift on Christmas but had my guitar before that prior to Christmas. Before Christmas for about a month I started the lessons on line here without the Chordbuddy because I really want to learn this. Some say the CB is cheating but I also using this aid. MY GOAL is to learn without the CB as it only assists with 4 Chords, (A,D,Em,C).

Do you guys think I am hurting my learning in my guitar progression by having the CB to play with every now and then while still keeping the focus of learning chords without CB?

Or do you think I can use the CB and look at it as a Additional practice aid to the lessons provided online here?

Any responses would be appreciate

p.s. - for those who don't know what the Chordbuddy is check it out on line.

# 1
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01/08/2021 9:56 pm
Originally Posted by: cavolio68

Hi Folks, newbie here. Received the chordbuddy as gift on Christmas but had my guitar before that prior to Christmas. Before Christmas for about a month I started the lessons on line here without the Chordbuddy because I really want to learn this. Some say the CB is cheating but I also using this aid. MY GOAL is to learn without the CB as it only assists with 4 Chords, (A,D,Em,C).

Do you guys think I am hurting my learning in my guitar progression by having the CB to play with every now and then while still keeping the focus of learning chords without CB?

Or do you think I can use the CB and look at it as a Additional practice aid to the lessons provided online here?

Any responses would be appreciate

p.s. - for those who don't know what the Chordbuddy is check it out on line.

I don`t see a problem with using CB as long as you see it for what it is; a training aid. From your post it sounds like you already realize that so it should be fine. Think of it like training wheels when you first learned to ride a bike.

# 2
William MG
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01/08/2021 10:26 pm

Hi and welcome

A well intentioned gift.

I am going to differ from Moose on this a bit, and I have seen this on YouTube. Ultimately we want to be able to play the guitar, and that means we need to learn how to make chords cleanly and our transitions need to be clean. There is only 1 way to do that: practice. Slow at first and build up speed over time.

Marty Schwartz did a review on this a few years ago and he was in the middle as I recall. A good tool for kids maybe - I would have to go back and rewatch the vid.

In my opinion, you will be better served if you slow down, learn the chords, learn the strum patterns in whatever time you need to learn them and build them into muscle memory.

Good luck with your studies.

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# 3
Carl King
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01/08/2021 11:59 pm

I wouldn't recommend the Chord Buddy unless you have a serious issue with your left hand. Injury, illness, etc.

It's kind of like saying, "I wanted to get good at jogging but it made my feet hurt, so instead I drive my car around the block for exercise."


At least it doesn't strum for you, too.

I recommend not using these sorts of gadgets and just putting in the practice time with your left hand. The rewards are much higher, and there's really no shortcut to building callouses, strength, dexterity.


Carl King[br]GuitarTricks Video Director / Producer

# 4
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01/09/2021 12:12 am

I think you would be better served by buying an Auto Harp.

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# 5
William MG
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William MG
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01/09/2021 12:29 am
Originally Posted by: Carl King

It's kind of like saying, "I wanted to get good at jogging but it made my feet hurt, so instead I drive my car around the block for exercise.

This brings a smile Carl. Years ago we had a comedy series up here called Corner Gas, and this describes one of the episodes. The crafty sort decided the best way to jog was in a 2 door :)

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 6
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01/09/2021 2:07 am

Maybe I didn`t make myself clear in my original post. I`m NOT recommending using CB to replace hands on practice on the guitar. I think the OP made that clear as well. It should just be used as an adjunct to help learn guitar, not as a crutch. BTW, I`ve never used CB so I`m not that familiar with it. Maybe it`s useful and maybe it`s not. I`m thinking it may have some value for beginners to help with muscle memory, but probably of little value for anyone beyond that. Again, I refer back to my training wheels analogy. It`s just something to help a beginner get started until they can balance on two wheels.

# 7
William MG
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William MG
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01/09/2021 4:31 am
Originally Posted by: moosehockey18

Maybe I didn`t make myself clear in my original post. I`m NOT recommending using CB to replace hands on practice on the guitar. I think the OP made that clear as well. It should just be used as an adjunct to help learn guitar, not as a crutch. BTW, I`ve never used CB so I`m not that familiar with it. Maybe it`s useful and maybe it`s not. I`m thinking it may have some value for beginners to help with muscle memory, but probably of little value for anyone beyond that. Again, I refer back to my training wheels analogy. It`s just something to help a beginner get started until they can balance on two wheels.

Moose, you were clear to me. I respectfully disagree for the reasons stated.

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 8
Carl King
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01/09/2021 7:07 am

Hey cavolio68,

I also hope no offense is taken from my above response and attempt at humor. I simply think it's best to go directly at developing those left-hand skills.

And now, my evening practice begins...


Carl King[br]GuitarTricks Video Director / Producer

# 9
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01/09/2021 4:42 pm

No worries y`all. No offense taken. Just thought I needed to expand / clarify my earlier post.


# 10
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01/09/2021 9:06 pm

I was also reaching to humor and appoligize if I missed the mark.

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# 11
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01/13/2021 3:03 am

Hey Folks, I REALLY appreciate your opinions. Absolutely no offence taken. My ultimate goal will be to develop the calluses and really wanting to learn the finger movement beyond CB.

Thank you Thank you

# 12

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