Post away.
I am about to hit a 2 year anniversay on Jan 1 '21. In that time here is what I have been able to acheive with 1 hour per day, everyday. I have not missed a single day of practice in that time:
When I started I did not really know what a chord was. I remember hearing Rod Stewart joke about 3 chords songs and I just thought chords were the things that put songs together but nothing beyond that.
On my very 1st lesson with a teacher I was asked if I knew what 1- 4- 5 was. Nope, not the foggiest.
I was asked if I knew any scales. I wasn't even sure what a scale was. We learned some kind of doe rae me thing in grade school, but that was close to 50 years ago.
I was asked what I wanted to do. I said I would be happy if I could play just one song on the guitar I purchased when I was 17. Just one song I would be happy.
So, I now know the chords I need to know (there are a lot of chords) and I can either write songs or play my favorite songs. And I have the confidence that I can learn what I need to learn to accomplish whatever it is I need to accomplish - say a new song.
I am pretty good with scales now, to the point that if I know what key we are in (I still can't pick it by ear), I can jam along at least at some level - read not Slash - more like an old guy with a guitar who has some knowledge and can jump in to contribute - but then fades out to sort his brain out and where the song is at. I can also use my knowledge of scales to write licks to the songs I write, which leads me to the 1 - 4 - 5 thing. I now have enough knowledge of theory that I can put songs together using my knowledge of the various keys. Throw some words on paper and voila! I have a song. Is it good? Who knows. Most of my songs are off the cuff and about nothing serious. Like my cat left Scotland - "My cat left Scotland just the other day, he said so long I'm going away. You can tell that dog he's no friend of mine and the sooner hes dead it'll just be fine"...
The song in the link below was written the day after my son broke up with his girlfriend of 3 years. I am not exactly a warm and fuzzy dad, but through music I was able to give my son something to say "hey, this hurts, but you have memories and time moves on. So think back fondly, but eyes forward".
I enjoy writing and it is a great exercise.
Skill in playing: I would say I am a sloppy player overall and really don't do well at songs over a certain tempo, but if it is a song I have practiced a lot and is within my "tempo range" I tend to chug along ok. At my age I am not going to learn to play like Stevie Vai. So I don't kid myself.
So, hope that helps. Time in and a genuine interest in learning is what will propel you.
Good luck.
This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!