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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,397
11/07/2020 8:22 pm

Ouch, sorry for your troubles!

Originally Posted by: ddiddler

very aware that as a beginner I tend to crouch to see frets and hand.[/quote][p]Have you tried sitting with a strap holding up the guitar?

[br][quote=ddiddler]Now looking at guitar lifts, supports off the leg to set the neck angle allowing the player to have 2 feet on the floor nice and square. [br]What is the experience of others who have tried thes devices. [br]

[p]I use a classical foot rest for classical guitar. But I get that the guitar spport would be better in order to keep your feet flat & your hips & back square. The strap helps keep the guitar in place better than anything, but I understand that could cause pressure on your neck & back.

Get better soon!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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