Originally Posted by: tedarnold09New to learning the acoustic guitar. I've been at it for about 9 months. I am struggling with switching between chords when playing along with songs, especially songs with a quicker tempo. Only able to practice about 3-4 times per week, 15-20 minutes per practice session.
Is this something that will improve with time and practice?
Should I be looking at the neck to help with switching between chords?
Any tips or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Try not to focus on keeping up on tempo. Making the chord cleanly and getting good tone is more important at this stage. Time and practice will make both of those things better and that timeframe is different for everyone. Most of us are beginners and struggle with the same stuff.
9 months, 3-4 times a week at 15-20 minutes is not a whole lot honestly, but it's better than nothing and I can relate to it. Some nights that's all I get and it can get sloppy after a long day of work. We all have other things that get in the way so patience is a virtue.
You can look at the neck if you need to, but again in time your fingers will develop that muscle memory and find their rightful place.
Again, emphasis on time and practice. A good and fun way to practice chord changes is try one of the "Made Easy" songs in the library. Something with a lot of the same chords over and over. Start with chords that are easy to get to like D to Am or Em to A. Just play that song or those chords over and over until its second nature. It will make that 15 minutes go by much faster thats for sure.
If still having problems post the question in one of the instructors section with the specific chords your having problems with.and they can better assist you. I know Lisa has certain strategy tips for making changes a little more seamlessly. It's all about using certain fingers as pivot points to get to the next one. Have you gone through the Fundamentals courses 1 &2? Nothing wrong with a review.
Good Luck,