will there be lessons on how to play reggae style? does anybody else want to learn reggae aswell?
Hey! This is a perfect post for your 'Song Request" forum! Please submit the song or artist you would like to request here:
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I am a new subscriber and was a bit shocked that there in no course on the reggae style.
Of course I would love songs. But straight up reggae stype courses on rhythm variations between, let's say, ska/roots/rocksteady/reggae and how to solo over that would be great.
It could also incorporate music that took these styles and transformed it though the years (The police, the clash, punk rock, the ska bands of the 90 and so on...).
There is loads of things to learn in that style alone!
Same as @bussierefrancois, I'm new here and am also shocked there is nothing about reggae.
A Reggae 101 complete technique course would be more than welcomed!
"A Reggae 101 complete technique course would be more than welcomed!"
+1 for a style course. Much better idea rather than a specific song
Mind you, one or two songs from the great WD40 group wouldn't go a miss 😀
Hey All! Thank you for the suggestions, we will run this idea by the developers for their consideration.