So, here's the sad string story i've got and need suggestions and help! First up, i'm 9 months in and doing Fundamentals 1 and loving every second of my journey thus far. I bought a YAMAHA fs800 I changed the strings a few months in for a lighter gauge Ernie Balls i believe. They felt much better for sure. But noticed i was having issues with pressing the strings down in the 1st 2nd fret only at the top two strings (B, E) So, making chord like a C, had to press so hard to get it not to buzz. Then Mike from GT suggested i make the same 'chord' down the neck to the 7th fret and asked if i was still having issues., no i was not. Then i looked closer and both of those strings were mm's higher than the other strings., so it was suggested i go get the action lowered at my local luthier. WEnt there, left the shop to get a call an hour later, sorry, we can't lower it any further. I have to trust people who are trained, and i'm new so i didn't question the fact they are much higher., WEnt back in and the floor rep suggested i change the strings to Elixir. From Ernie Ball's to Elixir. I'm not sure why., so i did it. Here's my new dilema. i have no issues pressing the strings down anywhere, great that way, but they are slippery as all get out. And the second issue, i hate the sound of my guitar now and the strings ring out. if i'm doing a lick/riff and plucking one string and sliding my finger, other strings ring out bc this guitar is so dang loud now. So much so, that i cannot 'mute' the strings, talk about a loud guitar! I've given this over a month, gotten a bit more used to it, but still overall hate them. i'm not just looking for sympathy, but any suggestions for something in between, a light gauge string that isn't tough to press down but isn't slippery and loud. i really loved the sound of my guitar previously. but worried if i put the same strings on, the ernie balls, i'll get the same issue previously with having to press crazy hard down on the 2nd string. Any string suggestions? Why does anyone think the luthier said it's already low when a kid could see the strings were much higher? mostly need string advice for somene who's new, needs ease, comfort and nice sound

Was it a luthier, or was it a guy in the guitar shop? I say trust your gut here, and your eyes, measurements, and brain! Did he say why the strings couldn't be lowered? Is there a problem with the neck of the guitar? [br][br]
See if our resident expert and all around nice guy Stephen White in the Ask A Guitar Tech forum might have any thoughts about what you are experiencing and what the "luthier" (?) told you.
No way you should keep playing with strings that you hate.
It takes as long as it takes unless you quit - then it takes forever and you will never get there.

it's usually the other way round, light gauge are easier to press down.
Myriad of strings out there.
Maybe tell us the actual gauges you think you've tried so far so we can see what can be inbetwen.
Elixir do a coated string, maybe it's this part you can't get along with.
Strings are one of the cheapest bits around guitar playing so are easily bought and changed
Never stick with strings you don't like .
As beginners we can't always tell why we don't like something but knowing you don't like is a good enough reason to try some different strings.
Looks to me that if only the top 2 strings are higher that the gauge of the strings are to thick to slip into the nut slot or that they aren't in the slot at all but just on top of the nut.
As for Elixirs, they are more expensive but they last very long but like you say, the sound isn't that great. Always loved D'Adarios on my electrics and Martin strings on my acoustic.