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Dejan Sajinovic
Senior Member
Joined: 04/03/02
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Dejan Sajinovic
Senior Member
Joined: 04/03/02
Posts: 652
12/24/2002 1:48 am
Still Greatest Hits CD´s can be a passage for a new listner into a bands albums and other songs. Most people who really like a band soon forget a bit about those hit songs and listen more to other songs from orginal album.

They are OK but than bands like Aerosmith, Led Zep, Sabbath, Maiden, KISS... who seem to realese a new Greatest Hits album almost evry year are very boring and a sad thing for a fan to see. I mean wouldn´t it be better to record new fresh unjaded songs. But than again most of famous rock bands seem to be afraid of it.
Dejan S. No speed limit