4/4 strumming

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08/04/2020 1:17 pm

On the lesson named "All-powerful essential strum pattern"

whatnis the up down strumming pattern?

just want to make sure.

# 1
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08/05/2020 12:52 am

D-DU-UDU (where the dash indicates skip the strum)

EDITED to correct the goof, sorry about that!

"I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk."

# 2
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08/05/2020 6:37 am

hate to tell you wrong Faith but if it is this lesson he is talking about; https://www.guitartricks.com/lesson.php?input=23537

then it is D-DU-UDU


# 3
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08/05/2020 12:28 pm
Originally Posted by: hsnoeckx

hate to tell you wrong Faith but if it is this lesson he is talking about; https://www.guitartricks.com/lesson.php?input=23537

then it is D-DU-UDU


You are quite right, thank you! I was trying to pull it back out of my automatic muscle memory and didn't quite get it! Edited to reflect your version.

"I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk."

# 4
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08/09/2020 8:03 pm

This is one I've been working on today and it took me a while to work out the dtrumming pattern. Weirdly, back in the day I probably played this rhythm with barely a thought to its intricacies, but the moment I started working on it with a strict, technical eye, I was all over the place for about an hour before I started getting a handle on it. I'm probably going to sit down with a metronome on a slow-ish 4/4 rhythm to get tighten it up, but also work on chord changes as well. As with anything, it's as much to do the time you put in to master it.

# 5

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