Hey usa4cc,
This is a great question. We might have some tutorials on that, but in the meantime, I have some suggestions.
A lot of this will happen naturally as you just keep playing and developing. I don't know if you are practicing while looking at your right hand all the time -- You could try playing some simple strumming and arpeggios while looking at your right hand for 4 bars, then trying looking away or closing your eyes for 4 bars.
Breaking up your chords / plucking arpeggios / one string at a time is going to help a lot in getting that more nuanced control together. So will practicing strumming in "zones." Try strumming just the low 3 strings, then move to the high 3 strings. Back and forth. Repetition.
For getting the 8th notes and palm muting, just break it down to really basic motions. Focus on one string at first. Just hold down a single note (like G on the Low E string, 3rd fret) and mute with your palm and pick quarter notes, all down strokes. Then try a measure of 8ths with up and down strokes, then back to quarters. Just go really slow! It'll all line up eventually.
Carl King[br]GuitarTricks Video Director / Producer