View post (Begin Again Song - E minor to D)

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Joined: 01/24/20
Posts: 9
05/15/2020 3:41 pm
Originally Posted by: moosehockey18
Originally Posted by: Boshuda1138


I am having a hard time switching in time of the song Begin Again. I have practiced it, what feels like days but I still can not keep up with Lisa on the video. Fingers going to the wrong posistion. Any help would be great.

Thank You

i do this too! If you can boost your confidence by being able to play along with the song, even at half speed, it makes the process of learning the song quite rewarding, rather than thinking you'll never be able to keep up by trying and failing multiple times at full speed

Hello !

I`ve been there so I know where you`re comin from.

What helped me was to slow the video down, starting at .5X and working up to full speed (1.0X). Have you tried that ?