Originally Posted by: robyking02I would like to say that a 1 to 1 (30mn) with Mike today was very fruitful, and
removed lot of frustration i had about progress in learning guitar.
Good advices and discussion were given, and i really appreciated this, as it gave me
back confidence in my ability to improve my guitar playing.
Again , thank you very much Mike !
That’s awesome Robert, you just validated a point I tried to make in another post here with your renewed confidence now on the right track with formal lessons.
[br]Combining GT with private
https://www.guitartricks.com/forum/thread.php?f=10&t=52856 [br][br]
[br]encouraging GT players of the benefit of private and/or group lessons, after a couple readers opined against it. Appreciate the validation Robert
--- [br]I'd like to second the gratitude to Mike for our recent live lesson. I'm also appreciative introducing yourself and interacting with we faithful.
[br]When I have got to play since then, I am more mindful of your practice regimine, with a specific focus and emphasis on the theory behind whatever it.
[br]Later this week I'll figure out how to incorporate the metronome into Boss Waza Air headphones (katana amp on your head) so the family can hear themselves think Ć°ÅøĖÅ
I was pleased to hear I'm not alone in my obsession with Tom Bukovac, I turned Mike Carpenter onto him too, he then binged all he could find Ć°ÅøĖĀ
[br]Btw I name dropped you in a comment on Homeskoolin' vol 15 (XTS Challenge video) and one of the respondents is someone who knows you from a couple decades ago as a great bassist.
Lastly, Dave has another free lesson lined up this Sat May 2nd, I'll keep an eye for another with you since I benefitted from the last one I randomly stumbled on, hopefully GT will email blast the next one.
[br]thanks again Mike, talk soon.