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Joined: 04/13/20
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Joined: 04/13/20
Posts: 25
04/25/2020 9:45 pm
Originally Posted by: DavesGuitarJourney

Hi Mike, bet you can't wait till that guitar gets to ya! I will give you a little unsolicited advice about it, and this is based on my own recent experience with an inexpensive new guitar. When the world opens up again, it would be very useful to have a professional "setup" done on your guitar. Your new guitar is very likely to have high "action" and medium gauge strings that can make it much harder to play than it needs to be, especially for us beginners. I toiled away for 6 weeks before I got my guitar set up. It cost about $70 including new strings. The guitar probably retails for about $100 so the setup cost almost as much as the guitar, but it made a huge difference and was well worth the money. If the guitar setup makes it hard to play then your learning experience will be more difficult and painful than necessary.

Anyway, welcome and good luck![br][br]


Dave, thanks for the pointers. The strings are actually extra light (.010 - .050) I won't know what the action is nor will I know if it is low or high. So having someone else looking at it would be a good idea. You are right about me being anxious. I keep checking the tracking on the shipment. It's supposed to be here Monday or Tuesday. Hoping for Monday of course!
