Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
04/20/2020 6:05 pm

Hey everybody, just want to share this link for more info on my free live lesson coming this Friday April 24. It will be about how to create an effective practice routine. I hope you all can join me!!


Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 1
Mayo Mayone
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Mayo Mayone
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04/22/2020 8:48 am

Hi! Mike - I´m new here. Can you explain me how to book this 24 april free lesson with you. Regards. Milosz

# 2
Mayo Mayone
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Mayo Mayone
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04/22/2020 9:29 am

I´ve got it.

# 3
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
04/22/2020 4:45 pm

Excellent - see you there!


Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 4
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04/23/2020 1:31 pm

Signed up! Looking forward to it Mike.

Also, I'm enjoying your AC/DC song lessons immensely!

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today ~James Dean
# 5
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04/24/2020 1:01 am

Hey Mike, there is a limit on the number of students? I tried to schedule and it says its full.

# 6
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
04/24/2020 12:30 pm

Hi Keith, sorry you weren't able to signup. Yes, there is a limit to the number of attendees.

GT admin is looking into possibly moving these free lessons (from zoom) to a different platform to get around the class size capacity.

Stay tuned!


Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 7

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