Originally posted by kingdavid
I dunno how the dictionary describes stealing,but the way I understand stealing,it's using something that doesn't belong to you to make some sort of gain without the owners consent.
If you do a remake of "Stairway to Heaven" and put it on your CD,I feel that it doesn't really matter that you acknowledge Led Zep on the CD,coz you're going to make money off something they wrote.And if you don't feel that the fact that they're the ones who wrote is such a big deal,why use their song at all?Why not use your own songs only?Why use a song written,arranged,recorded,produced and marketed by someone else(and these things cost money)?Their input has helped that song become what's it's become,and if that song wasn't what it is,you wouldn't bother using it.That input is what copyright seeks to protect.
I think. [/B]
Well, we play covers bec every else body does, and I don't think it's bad, it's like a tribute to the bands we love and appreciate their work that made us play music.
Also all bands we cover made lots of covers to previous bands,like Led Zeppelin Covered "You shook me" , SRV covered "Little Wing" & "Voodoo Child" , GNR covered "Knocking on heavens door", G3 covered "Red House", etc.
This is a good habit, or else old music will die.
And Jimi Hendrix said : 'I want everybody to play my music' .