do you know the theory of "open source programming"?
it says that you shouldn't buy programs (games, windows, etc) coz programs can be modified and you can improve them so every program should be "open source" that is, the code is added to the program so anyone who has it can modify it, play with it, copy from it, and give it to others and that's the way programs evolve. of course he has to sign a contract that his program will be "open source" as well. thus there is no meaning for copyright over programs and they can be given free.
so why shouldn't we do the same with music: "open source playing"?
haven't you ever thought that one thing can sound better if you play it differently? give notes with your music and don't copyright it just anyone that buys it has to agree to do the same FREE MUSIC!
that can be great.
God sent meat,
and the Devil sent cooks.
Excuse me while i keep this eye
and the Devil sent cooks.
Excuse me while i keep this eye