just for the record - "DO" was originally "UT"
so it is UT, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA (SI)
It can be traced back to Guido dĀ“Arezzo,a Benedictine prior of the Camaldolite monastery of Avellana (990 - 1050) who has supposedly invented the Staff or Stave (for notes). He invented the system of allocating syllables to the first six notes of the scale. (UT RE MI FA SOL LA) - why six, you might ask - well - the HEXACHORD (Hexa=6, Cordum=String) is a system of 6-note scales (will explain the reasons when Walter gives me the 'go ahead') - not seven as we use nowadays. The syllable SI was added much later.
These six Syllables were derived from the first syllables of each of the first six phrases of the text of a hymn to
St. John the Baptist that he wrote:
"UT queant laxis, REsonare fibris,
MIra gestorum, FAmuli tuorum,
SOLve polluti, LAbii reatum"
The hymn begins on c and each of the other phrases begins one note higher. Thats how the scales started.
UT is still used in France - everywhere else they use DO (for i think italian monks believed that DO can be sung easier than UT).
well - another thing for the next newsletter i guess :)
[Edited by Azrael on 12-03-2002 at 04:19 PM]
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]