Beginner question

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03/06/2020 2:19 am

I heard from someone that they use stickers on their fret board. I guess the stickers are for notes so they can easily find those notes.

My question is, Do I need to get those note stickers for my fret board? Or do we learn the notes as we progress through the lessons?

Then there is the thing I am wondering about. Do the stickers easily come off the guitar.

# 1
William MG
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William MG
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03/06/2020 5:21 am


The notes will come with practice. When I practice scales in the various positions, I mentally verbalize each note as it's played.

It will come together over time. The stickers may prove to be a crutch that works against you in the long run.

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 2
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03/06/2020 9:07 am

And the answer to your second question is yes, the notes on the fretboard are covered in the lessons. And you already know 6 notes, the open strings. 😁

# 3
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03/06/2020 7:02 pm

You shouldn't be looking at the fretboard while you're playing. Make your own fretboard map for the part of the neck you are using and put it on your music stand. Writing them down helps memorize them.

# 4
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03/06/2020 7:08 pm

You shouldn't be looking at the fretboard while you're playing. Make your own fretboard map for the part of the neck you are using and put it on your music stand. Writing them down helps memorize them.

# 5
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03/08/2020 7:47 pm

I undersytand why many here recommend "no note stickers." I did it 55 years ago, and it helped me learn the first five frets on all strings. When they were longer neded I ditched them. Do do what feels right for you. People all have a "learning style" no matter what discipline they are trying to learn. you will get more advice than you can ever use. Take what works for you and lose the stuff that doesn't. imho

# 6

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