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Joined: 11/07/18
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Registered User
Joined: 11/07/18
Posts: 14
02/07/2020 7:41 am

I feel your pain.. I picked up one of those finger exercise trainers and I try to warm up my hand/fingers before practice, just a couple of minutes, and after months, my pinky is a lot stronger. If you get one of the trainers, go for the weakest one, I made the mistake of going for number 2 and it's pretty strong for the pinky.

you can also try to practice barre chords, leave your index finger as a floater, use the other three fingers for forming open chords. Eventually, you will be able to transition from open chords to barre chords fairly quickly with your pinky being a key player in the process. That worked for me while keeping my interest level.

its a journey brother, sometimes it's major but often it's minor 😂