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Joined: 01/08/20
Posts: 20
Registered User
Joined: 01/08/20
Posts: 20
02/03/2020 2:45 pm

Hi all

I'm sure that this will have been mentioned by others but having an issue with the pinky. Now mine actually doesn't work due to a tendon issue (can't straighten it).

How much of an issue will this become going forward? I've been trying to force the 2,3,4 G without any luck in the hope that after zero use for twenty plus years it would spring to life (it didn't).

I'm only in Fundamentals One Chapter 5 but am concerned that as I move forward the pinky will come more into play. Are there alternative fretting methods shown in the tutorials for more advanced chords?

Bit frustrated at the moment but still plugging away at the chord changes. Slow and steady.....

Really appreciate the community.
