Anyone in the market for a classic rock famous tune that most definitely will wake you (and others) up....look no further than tackling Mike's fantastic cover lesson of Boston's "Smokin' "!! Definitely high energy plus all sorts of great tricks and techniques broken down expertly by M.O.!! I'm guilty of only paying too close attention to the new releases of lessons and often forget the absolute gems done in the last few years......this tune is a prime example! Don't pass up Mike's great job here as benefits abound!! Jim C.
Mike "archive" Olekshy!

Thanks Jimbo as always!!! That one is a fun one!
Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

This one is going to the 'work on it this week list'. Looks fun! Love old Boston, takes me back to high school.

Ha!! Giving away your age!! Don't too!! But seriously.............this entire album is an extreme high level teaching experience in performance, song writing and recording...........especially when you consider it's all pre digital and all the other electronics we now take so for granted..........40+ years ago!! All I want for Christmas is...........Mike Olekshy's innate ability to figure out and breakdown tunes!! Is that sking for too much??!!! Jim C.

stratmanjimbo -
I had great fun learning this song and I've got about 95% of it down cold (except for that quick bend on the G string). I realized that I really like songs with great riffs even if there are no solos. That's probably why I am a Foo Fighters fan.
I'm ready for your next "I'm giving away my age song"...