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Big as Elvis, Baby
Joined: 11/29/01
Posts: 899
Big as Elvis, Baby
Joined: 11/29/01
Posts: 899
11/15/2002 7:00 am
Take a deep breath, hold it, exhale, relax, don't sweat it, it will all come with time. First off about memorizing all the diatonic scales, if you have memorized C,D,E,G & A, you probably have noticed that it's just the same pattern, only the pattern has different starting points, i.e... play the D scale starting on the 5th fret A string, play only one octave, you should stop on the 3rd or 2nd string depending on which finger you start with, let's say you start with your middle finger like this:




Now if you start a scale on the 7th fret and play that same finger pattern, you are in E, start at the 10th fret it's G, at the 12th fret it's A, 15th fret it's C, Try some different scale patterns that you know and move them around, just remember what note you start with, if you have all the scales you know graphed out on a chart or something, lay out a few of them and look for the similar patterns in them, circle them and look at where they start, it should become clear to you

Memorizing all the notes on the fretboard is a good idea, it'll help you on down the road in your study, if you already know how to find out what the note is, then it's just a matter of repetition, like learning your ABC's as a child, their are no tricks or shortcuts, just keep doing it..

[Edited by pstring on 11-15-2002 at 01:08 AM]