Hi, I'm new here and I would like to ask you if you care about how do you look like while playing guitar, I mean, do you care what's on you - clothes, accessories and anything that can help you to attract the public. By the way, is it normal that some people care about how do they look like more than the quality of guitar playing? And, what's your experience in fashionable clothes?
Clothes while playing guital / Fashion
Originally Posted by: mouseq101[br]you know, as for me it's necessary to play well than to wear fashionable clothes, and you know, wearing fashionable clothes if women prerogative, I guessHi, I'm new here and I would like to ask you if you care about how do you look like while playing guitar, I mean, do you care what's on you - clothes, accessories and anything that can help you to attract the public. By the way, is it normal that some people care about how do they look like more than the quality of guitar playing? And, what's your experience in fashionable clothes?
I know it probably casts me as a luddite, but if I needed to "dress up" to make my guitar work, I would be giving up guitar soon. If a group can make their instruments soar, that is all I really care about. Too much attention to looks or theatrics is usually just a distraction, or worse... a cover up for lack of musical ablity. Next thing you know....you are adding some kind of kerokee robot to play the music, and that really sucks. Music is performance... posturing is not.
But then again, I listen to bands like the Eagles, who's performance style was labled as "loitering on stage". But when those 2 guitars started punching it out with each other, there wasn't a single ass in the room that wasn't moving. So there is my grain of salt.
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