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Guitar Hurricane
Joined: 01/12/02
Posts: 917
Guitar Hurricane
Joined: 01/12/02
Posts: 917
11/11/2002 2:59 pm
Well, Well hes the run down. Great sound....great sound. Good versatility and just a joy to play through. Did i mention power! grrrrrrrr what power! However i have this problem :(. When i first started playing the 80 it was great. There was virtually no hum at all so it was nice and quiet as the brocher said. However the next day while in the middle of playing, it started to hum. But as ive been telling you, the 80 is a pretty powerful amp...soooo this was a pretty powerful hum! It sounds like a generator for a small apartment building room maybe even a bit louder, i could hear it coming down the stair to my basement where it is placed. No matter what lvl of volume or setting of gain its at the hum stay constent. In fact it hurts my ears unless im constantly playing and even the standby button does nt do a thing! Before i return it, can anyone guess why this is so, if you can you win 50 guitar tab points!

WWSD? What would stevie do?