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Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
11/06/2002 2:47 pm
I own a Traynor YCV 40, which is the little brother of the YCV 80. It's a one speaker (12"), 40 watt all tube amp.

One issue you might have with it, given the type of music you play, is that the distortion onboard is not terribly crunchy. I would recommend a distortion pedal, esp. since you said you play heavy metal. The distortion on the Traynor (at least mine, that is) is really nice, and I love it, but it's vintage, not metal. By vintage, I mean that it's very fuzzy and doesn't sound at all compressed.

That's the only downside I can think of with the Traynor. Other than that - it has a pristine clean channel, perhaps it may be a little piercing (Red label Celestion speaker), but all I do is turn down the treble and click off the brightness function; beautiful vintage reverb (extra long Accutronics dual coil reverb tank); two-button footswitch for channel switching and to add boost to your distortion; and, it's built like a rock.

Hope you can order it to your local store then check it out, if you don't want the commitment.
... and that's all I have to say about that.

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