1969 Gibson Dove Excellent condition

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11/20/2018 4:23 pm

Hi, my friends grandmother left her Gibson Dove Acustic to her. Grandma was original owner. We were able to track the serial number to get the year (1969). Local Guitar Center were very impressed, but told us to shop it around. If she decided to sell it, does anyone know the value? Or ballpark value? We are rookies and have no idea where to start.

Thanks for any help!


# 1
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11/20/2018 4:39 pm

Hello, my friends grandmother passed away and left her a 1969 Gibson Dove Acustic. Grandma was the original owner. We were able to track the serial number to get the year (1969). The local Guitar Center were very impressed, but advised we to shop it around for a buyer looking for one of these. (if she decides to sell) If she does decide to sell it, does anyone know the value, or ballpark value? Obviously we do not know how or where to start.

Thank you very much for any input. I can send pictures if that helps.


# 2
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11/20/2018 9:44 pm

You could look through ebay and see what has sold and what people are asking.

For example here's one listing I found.


I'm thinking more research will yield a better esitmate.

# 3
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11/26/2018 8:01 pm

Also, check reverb.com. Search for that guitar and it will tell you what that guitar is going for these days. I think that if you sign up for an account (free, by the way) on the site, you'll be able to look back in time to see what prices that year and model of guitar has fetched.

# 4

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