Creating a website.

I have a question about making a website. Ive been to a few websites that say that they made them with notepad. I Dont see how you can do this. Can someone please explain it to me?
# 1
There is a code which browsers such as Netscape and IE read, the source code. All that people do is write this code themselves, instead of using WYSIWYG programmes such as Frontpage. It's not hard to learn at all...Just go to a few websites, click on view (or something, depending on your browser) and view source. Read through, guess a bit, try it out, try again and have fun!...Any questions feel free to ask
Don't worry too much about me, ignore me long enough and I'll go away.
# 2

All Web sites use HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). HTML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) that is used to produce paper documents. HTML is a text-only format that defines page structure and allows you to place text content within the page and reference graphics for display on your Web Browser.
Many (Most?) web sites use extensions to HTML for display or processing of data that HTML cannot perform. CGI (Common Gateway Interface), Perl and Java are common extenders to Web Servers. The Guitar Tricks Site uses CGI extensively.
When you open a web page in your browser, you can usually view the HTML source. In Internet Explorer 5, select View - Source. Notepad should open and show you the source code for the page.
You can use Notepad to create a web page - you can also use Microsoft Word 97 or later; just select "Save As" HTML. You can then open the page with your Web Browser for Viewing or with Notepad for editing.
[This message has been edited by Jon68 (edited 09-23-2000).]
Many (Most?) web sites use extensions to HTML for display or processing of data that HTML cannot perform. CGI (Common Gateway Interface), Perl and Java are common extenders to Web Servers. The Guitar Tricks Site uses CGI extensively.
When you open a web page in your browser, you can usually view the HTML source. In Internet Explorer 5, select View - Source. Notepad should open and show you the source code for the page.
You can use Notepad to create a web page - you can also use Microsoft Word 97 or later; just select "Save As" HTML. You can then open the page with your Web Browser for Viewing or with Notepad for editing.
[This message has been edited by Jon68 (edited 09-23-2000).]
# 3

Well, sending you this message from my Web Design class in High School I can tell you quite a bit. First of all try to take a class on it, if you like web design just a little you will love the class. I find myself doing most of my work at home and with only 3 weeks I have made my web page. If taking a class is out of the question then look at web pages that teach you. One that we use in our class is "" it is was usefull. Well, hope that helped.
Hello me, Meet the REAL me
# 4

Typing this message from my High School Web Design class I can probably help you out. First of all try to take a class on it, they are really helpfull and if you enjoy web design you will really enjoy it. Second, if you cant take a class go to a webpage that can teach you. A web page that we used in our class is "". It is pretty helpful. Third, E-mail me and I can give you more info "". c-yah
Hello me, Meet the REAL me
# 5

I just need some help on how to make a page look like this with the frames and all. Do I have to make a seperate document for the frames?
[This message has been edited by Tim (edited 09-25-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Tim (edited 09-25-2000).]
# 6

You have to make a small file that tells the browser to open up two (or more) pages and display them in frames, which you specify. So to make simple frames page, you need three files.
Almost everthing I know about web design came from this site. If they don't have what you're looking for, they have links to several other places.
Almost everthing I know about web design came from this site. If they don't have what you're looking for, they have links to several other places.
"When you're a young, long-haired guitarist, no one takes you seriously." - John Petrucci
Web - Photo - Audio
Web - Photo - Audio
# 7

Thanks that helped alot. the only thing i didn't see was how to put in background music. can you help me find a site with that code?
# 8

In the <body> tag, put in BGSOUND="****.***", whatever the file is. Usually its a MIDI or WAV file since the browser can play those itself.
"When you're a young, long-haired guitarist, no one takes you seriously." - John Petrucci
Web - Photo - Audio
Web - Photo - Audio
# 9

so the page would look like this
[This message has been edited by Tim (edited 09-28-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Tim (edited 09-28-2000).]
# 10

no, like this:
<BODY BGSOUND="blablabla.mid">
<BODY BGSOUND="blablabla.mid">
"When you're a young, long-haired guitarist, no one takes you seriously." - John Petrucci
Web - Photo - Audio
Web - Photo - Audio
# 11

# 12

Ummmm.... it didnt work this is exactly how i did it
Except there is alot of stuff inbetween the </HTML>.
Except there is alot of stuff inbetween the </HTML>.
# 13

try making the MIDI file local...put it in local directories on your site.
"When you're a young, long-haired guitarist, no one takes you seriously." - John Petrucci
Web - Photo - Audio
Web - Photo - Audio
# 14

What/ Like if I put up a midi file page and put it on there it would work?
[This message has been edited by Tim (edited 09-28-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Tim (edited 09-28-2000).]
# 15

I tried it and it still didnt work. I made sure the midi works, and it does. I dont know what to do!!!!!!
# 16

# 17

Well here is the code if anyone else wants it
<embed src=""
autostart=True loop=false width=145
Height=55 allign="center"> </embed>
You dont have to loop it if you dont want, just put in false in the loop if you dont want it to loop and false if you dont want it to auto start.
<embed src=""
autostart=True loop=false width=145
Height=55 allign="center"> </embed>
You dont have to loop it if you dont want, just put in false in the loop if you dont want it to loop and false if you dont want it to auto start.
# 18