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Joined: 06/12/18
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Registered User
Joined: 06/12/18
Posts: 10
07/25/2018 1:14 pm

Hey Mike, I'm working on folsum prison blues right now and really liking the electric part even though I'm doing it on acoustic. I think I'm finding out the more I start learning guitar the more i'm noticing that I like songs that have more reconizable melodies. Kinda like the electric part in folsum. I've been noticing that a lot of acoustic songs are just strumming patterns that back up a song. I was wondering if you could point out some songs that are on acoustic that are not just strumming back ups. trying to word this right - A song that someone would reconize and say hey that's a pretty little song that sounds great. If you have some suggestions that I could look at I then could add that as my next project. Also wanted to say I looked at hotel california but it has barre chords and I'm not ready for them yet. so I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll. Thanks for your time Dana