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Joined: 06/10/18
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06/19/2018 10:47 pm
Originally Posted by: FriendlyGuitarist

I would say you can still go for it! You can play the same songs/licks on both electric and acoustic guitars as they both read treble cleff. Of course some songs will sound better on an electric and some songs sound better on an acoustic but overall you can play practically anything on either guitar.

I'm in a bit of a different situation, but it may be relevant here. I'm kind of a gear junky (not to mention a complete newbie) and have both an electric (Les Paul Studio) and an acoustic (Taylor 314ce). Now, before you think I'm nutz, my wife plays both beautifully. I've been trying and trying to learn this thing called guitar for several years and either life, work, or frustration gets in the way. Anyhow, I signed up for Guitar Tricks a couple of weeks ago and have made more progress in those two weeks with Lisa's core system than I had made in years! What I do is I start a lesson with the Taylor, then, if I have issues, I switch to the Les is, in my opinion, easier to play. Finally, I make sure to come back to the acoustic. It has gotten me out of many issues! If you can, I'd go out and get an inexpensive electric and add a decent pair of headphones and a VOX AC30 headphone amp (plus a simple aux cable so you can listen to Lisa). Swap between the two. JMHO, but it is working for me....