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04/26/2018 10:01 pm
Originally Posted by: kerwynjones2Should I skip the electric sections until I have an electric guitar or simply work on them with my current acoustic guitar?

Though not alway true, there is so much that you can play on acoustic. Songs that were made on electric can often be played on acoustic. Like Chris said, it's not always as easy. I mean, for fun, I was figuring out the riffs for Runnin' with the Devil as well as just noodling on an old song we used to jam to (Maiden's Losfer Words..yes, I was noodling that on acoustic). Both definately not made for acoustic but I was just messing around so, there ya go.

There is quite a lot you can do on an acoustic. But it is a lot of fun to play an electric through an amp. I imagine if I had EVH's 'brown sound' amp tone, I'd probalby enjoy Runnin' with the Devil more!

Think of the guitar as tools. You have more than one kind of screw driver to accomplish goals. Same with guitars; they are tools and different types help you with different goals. But, I caution that you may end up with a 'toolbox' of guitars like me!