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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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04/09/2018 1:46 pm

Glad my reply helped. Nice to hear your wife is supportive. :)

Originally Posted by: kerwynjones2

That helps a lot. Especially the part about an inexpensive electric guitar. Now I can tell my As for goals and desires. I am 54 yo and simply have the goal of doing this as nothing more than a hobby. I enjoy making my own ‘music’ and have no goals of performing or even playing in a band. I enjoy many genres of music including rock, country and blues but I ultimately would like to focus on blues the most as this is my favorite guitar music.

Good deal. Keep in mind that the end goal is to play music in the form of songs. So, think about what songs you like & would like to play or play along with. What kind of guitar is used or featured? There are plenty of acoustic blues songs. But there's also quite a bit of electric used especially in lead melodies, riff, licks.

Hope that helps! Have fun!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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