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Joined: 12/27/17
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Registered User
Joined: 12/27/17
Posts: 11
04/07/2018 3:53 pm

That helps a lot. Especially the part about an inexpensive electric guitar. Now I can tell my wife that you recommend it.........Just kidding. I would never do that. My wife wouldn’t care if I do get an electric guitar. She is actually very supportive of everything I do.

As for goals and desires. I am 54 yo and simply have the goal of doing this as nothing more than a hobby. I enjoy making my own ‘music’ and have no goals of performing or even playing in a band. I enjoy many genres of music including rock, country and blues but I ultimately would like to focus on blues the most as this is my favorite guitar music.

Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep grinding away and I will check in later with you all.
