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Joined: 12/27/17
Posts: 11
Registered User
Joined: 12/27/17
Posts: 11
04/07/2018 1:46 pm

I recently finished Fundamentals I and II. I am a complete “newbie” to guitar and hence I have nothing to compare with Guitar Tricks. However, I am very happy with the organization of the curriculum as well as the breadth of topics covered.

My plan is to complete the first parts of the Rock, Country and Blues introductory programs followed by the second parts of the Rock, Country and Blues programs. I currently own an acoustic guitar and plan to purchase an electric guitar at some point in the future. This may be as early as this upcoming Christmas (2018).

My first question is:

Which of the three (Rock, Country and Blues) are best to work on with an acoustic guitar? I ask this question because it appears as though the Rock and Country courses have specific electric sections in them.

The second question is:

Should I skip the electric sections until I have an electric guitar or simply work on them with my current acoustic guitar?

Keep up the great work Guitar Tricks”