Classic Rock

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Joined: 04/01/12
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Joined: 04/01/12
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04/06/2018 6:04 pm

Hey Mike was wondering if any 70s classic rock was coming up soon.

Rick Gordon 

# 1
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
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Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
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04/07/2018 6:07 pm

Hey Jamboss -- I know we've shot plenty of 70s classic rock that is still waiting to be rolled out - but unfortunately I don't have any info on when they will be released. Hang in there, they are usually pretty balanced about releasing songs from all eras.


Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 2
Idle strummer
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Idle strummer
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04/11/2018 8:21 pm


Super job with Lizzy classics; Southbound, Don't believe a word and Skynyrd's; Saturday night special and Sweet home.....

You capture and explain dual guitar parts brilliantly.

Any Wishbone Ash in the pipeline? Some classic tracks on their seminal album, Argus.

# 3
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
04/12/2018 6:22 am

Idle Strummer, thanks for the kind words! There doesn't seem to be any Wishbone Ash in the pipeline at this time, but hopefully at some point in the future we'll get the chance to do some! There's quite an extensive approval process with Publishing companies that needs to happen before we can teach any songs -- be sure to head over to the Song Request Forum to read more about the process and leave your request there!



Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 4

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