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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,454
03/09/2018 3:55 pm

Hey, Rich. Sounds good! Nice melodic guitar lines. Good support clean guitar parts stereo separated.

Originally Posted by: maggior

What really surprised me was how fulfilling it was to "write" a song.


Right on. Good stuff. :)

[quote=maggior]This version was a scratch track, but in redoing parts I kept missing a certain something that I captured on the scratch track. So some misses here and there were fixed through the magic of technology rather than retake entire parts.

I know exactly what you mean. Finding the balance between chasing an unrealized ideal & being happy with what's actually there.

Sometimes I just enjoy the process of re-recording a part a zillion times because, why not play the guitar more & see if I can get closer to the perfection in my imagination. Sometimes, it's an important lesson to just let it be as good as is it & stop chasing my tail into diminishing returns. Start working on the next piece already!

The guitar solo lines are well done! Nicely phrased & melodic. The only thing I would change-fix is the rhythm guitar panned right is a little out of tune.

Thanks for posting! Keep writing & recording. :)

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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