Good evening all,
I’m a 47 year old music addict and have been all my life. I always envied Clapton, Page and all of the other guitarists you’d expect someone my age to appreciate. I want desperately to be able to play all the songs I grew up loving, but starting from ground zero. I’m not afraid of hard work, but really want to know the best approach for someone my age to learn guitar. Those of you who already know how to play may understand this, but for years I’ve read books, guitar magazines, etc. looking for that one moment that is the “ah-ha” moment where you know you have a lot of work to do in order to get better, but someone explains the concepts of guitar in a way that speaks to you.
Yes, I understand a few basics such as strings go from low E to high E, you have to learn chords and scales, etc. But I think there is still something missing that would help me understand the WHY of how a guitar is laid out, HOW notes related to one another, etc.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant, but would appreciate any advice that you found worked for you. As an older person, I obviously don’t have a lot of time to waste and want to give this my best shot.