As background, many vernues we play have no real stage. The band is on the floor with the crowd. Fortunately, we have great crowds and good draw. Unfortunately, often the crowd is pushing up against the band during a live performance.
Two weeks ago, someone danced on my pedal board and snapped the tip of my power cable. Multiple times before this, someone stepped on the power supply and it came unplugged while I was playing.
Now, the broken tip was rare, and kinda hard to do, actually. But, I was able to finish the show but had to do some surgery on the board to fix it and pull out the end of the power supply with some tiny little pliers.
So, this begs the question. I want to "cover" my pedal board for situations like this with maybe a plexiglass type of module. Something that would allow for me to look down at my board and still see what's on/off and enough room for me to put my foot in and work the wah or kick pedals into action as needed.
My sense is that this would be entirely custom and I would make it myself. But, before doing so, I'm reaching out to the guitar community to see if there is a product or a method anyone here has used in a situation like this before.
Thank you