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Joined: 11/08/17
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Registered User
Joined: 11/08/17
Posts: 10
01/17/2018 6:27 pm

OK, so after a few days, I've sussed out a practice that seems to be fairly functional.

I found an app that selects a random key when you shake it.

So I select a random key.

Write out all the notes in the key onto a fretboard printout that I found.

Name the scale degree for each note

A Maj

A = I /Root

B = ii / minor /SubDom

C# = iii / minor / Mediant

D = IV / Maj / SubDom

E = V / Maj / Dom

F# = vi / minor / SubMediant

G# = vii Dim / Dom Leading

Then I play the full scale, Maj Penta, and the patterns from the second link you gave me(don't know what to call it) a few times calling out the note name.

Then I play to a click without calling anything out.

Then I build the chords for every scale degree.

Then I dick around with some triads/inversions.

I try to incorporate Travis picking into the last two things.

Some of this needs to be fleshed out a little more but it's a solid 30-45 minute thing.

Here are some questions. How would I incorporate minor and blues scales? Would I just make minor an entirely different thing? Or would I use the relative minor of whatever key I'm working in?

I'd like to add some sort of chord changing exercise and more fingerpicking stuff. Any particular tutorials you suggest?