I'm a complete guitar novice, and I'm struggling with making my fretting (left) hand work properly. Specifically, I'm failing at the 'Spider legs' exercise (Link=> https://www.guitartricks.com/lesson.php?input=22141&s_id=1777)
The basic intent of the exercise is to get one finger per fret for the first four frets for each string, keeping each finger 'down' on the fret as you continue adding frets. I've been struggling with even the first three fingers/frets, and failing completely on the lowest strings (E and A). With three fingers down (assuming I manage it) I'm pretty much guaranteed to be touching 'the next string over' as well as the one I'm playing.
I spend five minutes with this dang Spider legs warmup a day before my hour or so of lessons and practice, and my progress is minimal. I'm in my 50s, so I'm sure my flexibility is shot, but is it 'normal' to struggle this much? Should I persevere?