Here's where I always start to feel kind of dumb and give up. I'm in the bar chord section of the beginner modules and Lisa's talking about the "magic L." I kind of understood it in the power chord section, but now that we're in bar chords, I don't understand how I"m supposed to know whether a chord is supposed to be minor or major within that magic L. It just isn't clicking in my brain. Any advice?
Magic L?
The "Magic L" uses I - IV - V chord progression. Which mans that all the chords are either major or minor, depending are you playing in a major or natural minor key. No mixed major/minor chords in that progression.
Some examples:
Major: C - F - G
Minor: Am - Dm - Em
(Having said that, harmonic minor is an execption, it has major V chord in it. But, I think you aren't that far yet on the theory.)
Originally Posted by: anniemacleodmusicHere's where I always start to feel kind of dumb and give up. I'm in the bar chord section of the beginner modules and Lisa's talking about the "magic L." I kind of understood it in the power chord section, but now that we're in bar chords, I don't understand how I"m supposed to know whether a chord is supposed to be minor or major within that magic L. It just isn't clicking in my brain. Any advice?
Thanks to Jarkko for the great reply!
There's no difference between the power chords & the barre chords in Lisa's Magic L. Maybe the most important thing to know is that the shape of the L is just a handy visual guide to help you find I, IV & V chords that relate to each other. It doesn't make chords major or minor, scales do that. The difference between major & minor chords & key signatures is a completely separate concept.
You can use the L to find the I, IV and V chords in any key, major or minor.
Hope that helps! Please ask more if necessary.