Talk about utter confidence in one's playing ability to tackle and handpick great SRV guitar licks and stylistic chords hits and great tricks..... although it greatly benefits us all to find out what you've found out and retain and expand upon it!! I'm certain you too move up a notch or two from benefitting from the study it takes on your the editing down to all this great pertinent stuff!! I almost always try to be inventive and self discover cool tricks on guitar but then I just like to be in this SRV study example..........and be handed over superior concepts on a silver platter!! It's nice to just get loaded up and jam and solo and understand the tone settings and chord changes and cool licks..........and have it all nicely displayed like in this super course!! I still love your "Deacon Blues" lesson sadly a tribute to the equally great songwriter Walter Becker....probably because when i was very young and AJA the album came out I envisioned to myself: If I can only learn to play cool jazzy/blues progressions like this and........understand them!!!?? Any way.......I love these studies best of all by you and Mike and Tom but especially here with you and Christopher's great work along with Tom really challenges us beyond just learning cool tunes and makes us grow as musicians........So far though........I have to tell you........I am totally captivated by your grasp and portrayal of the late, great SRV!! This Artist Study absolutely captures SRV's great insight and push to be a superior guitarist and I'm psyched to grasp it all!! Great work my friend!! Jim C.
Dave: Super of U to tackle SRV!!!

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Wow! Thanks for the props Jim!! Glad you dig my Deacon Blues lesson and SRV Artist Study. FYI, I also give live private '1 on 1' lessons here at Guitar Tricks. If you are interested here's a link to my available schedule and to sign up. They are half hour and hour lessons and you can take a single lesson or on going lessons here:
Keep those fingers flying!!
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