Hi, guys.
I honestly have a major concern and it's been on my mind for quite sometime: am I ever going to be good?
I started playing guitar a year and little now, I've been through many websites, and now I'm here and love it. Learned most of the scales, chords, theory, power chords, barre chords, tabs, and you name it. I'm not saying I've learned everything but I did learn a big chunk. But I always feel like I'm stuck on the same place, same level, same music and it worries me big time. I'm always watching amateur players on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and other places and I get really impressed and overwhelmed by their playing, their tone, their amazing improvising and I get really jealous, and then I ask myself if I'm ever going to be THAT good. If I'm ever going to be a professional player? Write beautiful music, make mesmerising improvisation? Am I going to be able to play all those great and fast songs?
Is it because I'm 32 years old and started late? Should I have started very young? Am I doing something wrong? And what worries me more is that every time I read about a great guitarist they always seem to start playing when they were 3 months! (I'm kidding, but you get the idea)
I'm sorry for the long post but I needed to let it out, I guess.
Thank you.