Start small, dream big

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02/03/2017 12:55 am

I want to be a voice for postive change in the world, and I use music and a means to be heard. Finding myself through music has been such an incredible journey, and I find connecting with others through songwriting such a moving experience. Artists like Patti Smith and Ani DiFranco inspire me to stand up for what I believe in and help create the world I want to live in.

I play cello and piano as well, although I've reached a point of stagnation on guitar lately... Specifically, I want to improve my composition skills. When I jam on guitar I find myself getting stuck in pentatonic boxes and I just sort of noodle, but the music doesn't have any purpose... I can't consciously create a melody to express what's in my head while I play like I can on other instruments, which can be exasperating, but I know if I just push through and keep learning I'll get to where I want to be. I'm looking forward to using this forum to help me through this rut!

# 1
john of MT
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john of MT
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02/03/2017 4:09 pm
Originally Posted by: winryember

I want to be a voice for postive change in the world, and I use music and a means to be heard. Finding myself through music has been such an incredible journey, and I find connecting with others through songwriting such a moving experience. Artists like Patti Smith and Ani DiFranco inspire me to stand up for what I believe in and help create the world I want to live in...


With much respect, welcome to GT!

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 2
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02/12/2017 4:35 pm

Hey Winry! How's it going? ;)

Cool to see you here! :D

# 3
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03/08/2017 6:11 pm

Welcome in winryember!

It must be really frustrating to have a musical idea in your head that you know you can express on other instruments but not on guitar! Having experience on another stringed instrument (cello) I imagine your learning curve will be fast. You probably have a good understanding of musical theory, which in many cases a weak point for us guitarists :).

We've all been through ruts here...hope you find the help you need here! It's helped me in the past.

# 4

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