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Joined: 11/17/16
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Registered User
Joined: 11/17/16
Posts: 3
01/17/2017 1:59 am

hoping someone can help me gain clairity here and tell me if I am on the right track or point me in the right direction.

Suppose I am in the key of G and I wish to play in dorian mode. The way some people explain it, i would find the 2nd degree of the g major scale which would be A and playing from A to A, this would give me the dorian mode of G. But looking at the dorian mode pattern, we know it is 1- 2-b3-4-5-6-b7 so if i just play G major and flat the 3 and 7th is that not dorian?

Example would be :




Lets now suppose I an in the key of A and want to use dorian. Again if I play the A major scale and adjust the 3rd and 7th, this would be A dorian.


------------------------ 4--5--7-----



Am I on the right track? Someone keep me from pulling my hair out lol