These licks are very hard on the ears

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07/23/2002 1:39 am
So I'm assuming from the licks from this site that you're all beginners. Well I guess you have to start somewhere right. Well before you all get offended from my comment, don't worry I will be posting my own licks on here in the next couple of days. Anyway all have a good one and keep practising but damn though if you're gonna consider a lick you play on this site from a player say like Malmsteen at least play it properly so you don't confuse others that might not know that player. Even better you would be better off to state it as "In the style of" instead. Later.
# 1
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07/23/2002 9:37 am
All beginners??? *Cough* Have you heard any of us play yet?'ll find that everyone who posts tricks will admit they're in their own style and I've never been 'confused' by anyones work I've seen on here.
'There's no such thing as bad weather, there's only the wrong clothes...'
# 2
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07/23/2002 2:30 pm
Originally posted by evh5150ca
So I'm assuming from the licks from this site that you're all beginners. Well I guess you have to start somewhere right. Well before you all get offended from my comment, don't worry I will be posting my own licks on here in the next couple of days.

Dude, I can smoke you anytime.

Being such a braggin' hot talking dude, I guess you can't even play like me when I'm using only 2 fingers...

And if you think I can only talk the talk, we can set it up right here.

Change your attitude, licks will come in time...
# 3
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07/23/2002 3:41 pm
I'm open for business takin' bets..

Not giving odds yet, my money on lali.


Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..
# 4
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07/23/2002 3:51 pm
"this site is too small for the both of us"
# 5
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07/23/2002 3:53 pm
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..
# 6
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07/23/2002 7:14 pm
I would think again before I messed around
with 25.000 members, especially if you want
to stay here at guitartricks as a respected member yourself.
That attitude of yours needs modification.
Personally, I think I can take you down as well.
We should have some sort of online jam function
for these kind of things.

Im looking forward to the Lali vs evh5150ca

# 7
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07/23/2002 7:23 pm
who do you bet on?
# 8
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07/23/2002 10:04 pm
hmmmm tough choice........

I would never boast about being able to smoke anyone on here, guitar isnt about that, everyone can play things that other people cant, we're all different, some people are faster, some are more original

although because he's the one with the bad attitude I'd love you to show him up...

hell *I* could smoke his ass, but you didnt hear me say that.... when I get set up with my home studio I'll post some of my own licks too, I aint scared!

let's just see if he ever comes here again, let alone posts anything of his own.....
guns dont kill people, people kill people, and monkeys do too (if they've got a gun)
# 9
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07/23/2002 10:18 pm
Originally posted by nasum_human

hell *I* could smoke his ass, but you didnt hear me say that....

Well actually, you just said it.

I think I'll bet on you Lali.
Maybe this new guy is one hell of a guitarist,
but I think its safer to bet on you since I've heard
some of your stuff before.
Now, whos gonna be the bookie?
I can volounteer, but 10% of an eventual win
goes to me.

# 10
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07/23/2002 10:24 pm
just out of curiosity.... how is this contest gonna be judged? pure speed? complexity? this is if the guy ever shows up again

and yeah, I DID say I could smoke his ass..... and I'm starting to believe it too.....

the thing is, even if he turns out to be some 40 fingered mutant who playes 70 notes a second, he aint gonna get any respect with that attitude, a person who says they're the best is one thing, a person who is big headed and IS the best is even worse....

And I'll bet on Lal, simply cuz I cant stand poseurs!
guns dont kill people, people kill people, and monkeys do too (if they've got a gun)
# 11
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07/23/2002 10:24 pm
since we all take it as a good joke
i wont erase that thread
but i also hope i wont hear from mr."ritchie blackmore and malmsteen passed me their egos" again..
"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."

ren hoek
# 12
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07/23/2002 10:26 pm
well, I came here as my old BB got invaded with a guy who posted nasty stuff about everyone constantly and it got me down, this place seems so cool right now, I hope lamers like him dont migrate here... maybe I attract them somehow... ;)
guns dont kill people, people kill people, and monkeys do too (if they've got a gun)
# 13
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07/23/2002 11:07 pm
Someone with such an attitude CAN'T be any good on the guitar... Come on, did you see his Login? He's an Eddie wannabe!!
Mr 5150, if your musical culture goes up to 1978, there has been LOOOOOTS of things to happen since then...

# 14
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07/23/2002 11:30 pm
yeah, he wont be back anyway, just came on to see how his comments have affected us....

I WAS bigheaded when I was younger, I had chops and I knew it and made sure everyone else did.... ya never know with kids.... hehehehe
guns dont kill people, people kill people, and monkeys do too (if they've got a gun)
# 15
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08/01/2002 11:51 pm
O great, another thick-headed moron. Lets hear your licks man. Ripping off tab sites does not count. Lets hear some original stuff.
# 16

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